
Comments (11)

What do you think?

ur game is awsome i love it keep up the great work

Could you release the music on gamejolt please

From the time I fired it up, I felt like I should've had an NES controller in my hand.

Great old school graphics (4:3 ftw!) and chiptunes, difficulty was up there with Mega Man. Got a bit pissed off by level 4, but a great experience overall.

Excellent game in all aspects. It is to thanks that the window size is adjustable, most games here dont allow it.

this is so much fun. nice job dude! love to see more from you

You're a guy with a sword, in a dungeon, in a volcano, that's errupting! GET. THE. HELL. OUT!

Controls - Pad
dpad/analogue sticks - movement
Y - sword
A - jump
Start - pause

Controls - Keyboard
WASD/arrow keys - movement
Z/K - sword
X/L - jump
Return/P - pause

Art/game design by @Gypopothomas .
Sounds by @Awesemz .
Music by @Risen_LP.

Volcano Dungeon was a project I put together to learn C2. It's a bit rough around the edges n' it's getting harder n' harder to resist the urge to scrap it n' remake it with my levelled up C2 skills, so I'll release it into the wild n' start on something fresh.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
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