Comments (12)
is this a endles game? dont see any end so far
This feels great to play! I love that the challenge thrown towards the player is balanced well even if you are just one person. The player 1 attack animation is also really satisfying. My only remark would be that enemy bullets are very hard to see on the "city" background, and right clicking to collect the cows as p1 sometimes makes me click outside the window which is annoying.
Very fun little game! You've got some great polish in there like enemy health being represented by the number of eyeballs. And you always gotta love Metal Gear references :)
fission mailed.. :) i love those crunchy sound effects.
BTW is this your 1st game?
Extraterrestrial Meow - Music Update Fix
Extraterrestrial Meow
The user's wireless fidelity had been stolen. One of the dog agents, Arfred, was sent to retrieve it but he hasn't come back for ages.
Now, Meowski and his hooman buddy are sent to a mission of retrieving the wireless fidelity AND save agent Arfred. Good luck!
Player 1 Controls:
WASD = Movement
SPACE = Pewpew
E = Use Laser Beam(to pick up cows AKA lives)
Player 2 Controls:
LMB = Kick
RMB = Pick up cows/health
Move Mouse = Movement
Credits to Music Assets used:
(UPDATE: music is now fixed, these links are relevant again! :D)
Menu Music - Electronic | OpenGameArt.org
In-game Music - Mecha Collection | OpenGameArt.org
some gibberish:
This has to be one of the fave games I've made since I put plenty of work in it despite procrastinating every 2-3 days lmao. Happy to see how it turn into something decent even if I was in the middle of burning out myself.
Any comments or feedback are highly appreciated. :D