
Comments (62)

What do you think?

Hey Arkasia, first of all ive been a huge fan for years and i love your unique sound. I was just wondering do you need any help developing this game or do you want to do this solo? I'd be more than willing to donate some cash money if it would help you out. <3 Love from the US.

Am I the only one who got an alert from their antivirus saying something about a trojan virus coming from this game?

wait zqsd? tell me that is just a typo?

Would it be too late to contribute my part in making music? I know that there's a main menu theme but it's just that I freaking LOVE tripped out simulation games (i.e. Only If, SightLine, Nox Timore, etc.) and I would just love to have an opportunity to take part in a game such as this because to be honest, my jaw dropped when I first came across this game and saw the screenshots! And that title, Ethereality LITERALLY gave me goosebumps just thinking about it!

The game is too heavy for me. I can't play it with a decent fps even on lowest settings...

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Menu Music

This is the demo of the game experience i'm creating for my next album "Ethereality".

In this game, you'll be able to explore an island and look for sphere hidden all around the world. Those sphere will play different previews of tracks included in the album. This is a very early version, this is only the first level here, lots of features will be integrated in the forthcoming weeks. The VR support will also be included soon.

To move around the world, use usual fps controls as ZQSD, left shift to sprint and spacebar to jump. Songs can be launched using the "E" key in front of a sphere.

I hope you'll enjoy this experience. Please keep in mind that it is a very early version so any feedback, comment or advices are always welcome :) You can write those on the facebook page too ;)

Take good care guys and have fun !!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!