Comments (7)
I love all of the new improvments like the art, music, the backgrounds, and everything else. My only problem is the jumpscare with the creepy face that appears soon after Starecrown starts singing, it blocks the screen, you can't see the notes, and it doesn't help that the bar at the bottom is all the way to the right side. Not only that but the health drain is kinda harsh (although that might just be me).
liquid gatetail
good mod but the fact that you can't miss a note when there is a funky face appearing in the middle of your screen makes the gameplay stupidly unfun (even if it's supossed to be unfun that's too much)
yes i can't wait for more gatetail as well
Good mod
Funkin' Against The Anomalies DEMO
WARNING: If you are having trouble with lag/effects within the mod, you can disable these in the settings, along with many other things!
Hooray! Today marks a VERY special occasion, Starecrown’s first anniversary!
To celebrate this amazing day, we here at FATA productions (name pending) have provided a demo for you to play with while we work on the full thing! Don’t worry about preparing the initiation party or collecting tributes in the form of crude presents for Starecrown’s celebration, as our purple enigma’s request of you requires WAY less organ rearranging than normal! (Bodily inversion almost always never takes place) Heck, there’s not even a need to surprise someone who’s already here, how effortless celebrating this party will be! In fact, Starecrown himself has a few tricks up his (sleeves?) that almost always result in total safety in many recorded cases, so the celebration sounds even MORE like a blast!
If you don’t miss too many notes.
We hope you enjoy the demo showcasing things to come! We are making great strides in the development of the full release, so stay tuned for that if you like!
In the meantime however, thank you for turning my weird little fnf experience into something way bigger than I could ever imagine. Make sure to check the credits of our amazing development team, and stay anomalous everyone ^^ #fnf