
Comments (20)

What do you think?

dude it now says when i battle
Unable to find file : Audio/SE/Cancel2

The game will be out and the game already have the patch number 2 and now is ready to play

how do i install the patch? ._.

What software do you use to open the game?

Dude you know that the guys face was Trevor from GTA V

Send me a full video where you beat golden freddy boss 1 so the can beat the beta testers


Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Strong Language
Mature Humor

taking out game

i just forgat the Rpg Make Vx game file so i have to start from sratch

that means there will be nothing left of this game for the month

please support the game as much so i could recover my game

The last nights at freddys

The last nights at freddys my game is comming out soon

We need Beta testers

We need Beta testers again please comment now

all fixed

everything is fixed so if any more probles say it in the comments


its out

sorry because my game was out for a lot of time because my browser was not working well so i apologise but finally the the game is out again