Feel The Heat - Jam Version
An Arcade Shooter Where Enemies Cool You Down.
"Feel The Heat" is an arcade top-down shooter where you aim for a high score by increasing your "Heat" (by shooting enemies) and try and stay as far away from the enemies and their cooling effect. The score increases depending on your heat. And by the way, you have 60 seconds.
There are two control schemes that i made during the time i had:
WASD (Movement) + Mouse (Aim, LMB to shoot)
WASD (Movement) + Arrow Keys (Aim & shoot)
Current To-Do for a new version:
Replace the god-awful shooting sound
Add a menu of sorts
Another enemy type
This game was made over the course of 2 days (I had 3 days, but i kinda wasted the first one since i made the horrible mistake of trying Löve2D as a c++ programmer) during school hours (this was sanctioned by the teachers, i swear) in a small game jam between me and a friend. (I'll ask my friend to upload his game, will add link if he accepts)
Another note is that this game was made to play in 1280x720 resolution since scaleability wasn't a concern at the time, but it is possible to resize the window to any desired resolution.