Comments (147)
10/10 shits bb
10/10 Fucks freddy
100/100 Sanic
Best game (loud) BEST GAME
i use rpg maker and im starting to get good with it so
i could try and fix the bugs.
but idk why i would cause i would get nothen in return
like if there would be something i would get i would.
but i am gonna fix it for me to play
What I think of the game: Foxy is unobbtanable, I can't finish the game for some reason, the presents that are for "Lord Miachel" is useless, passwords for the harder nights can't be found, the prize box is useless as well, I can't find the debug room, Shadow Bonnie just can fry the game (WHAT THE HELL DOES HE DO?!?!), an audio clip when you click on the third-to-last stall in the men's restroom has a unhearable and crashes your game, why does Golden Freddy appear out of nowhere and wrekt your face through your ass, and what do the game files of people having "Mangle", "Faceless Bonnie", and fucking "Drunk Mario"?!
i beet all the cams got bonnie chika freddy and the pupet in my party beat all the toys but nothing happend is it a glitch or is there no ending
downloading... dis gon be gud
Five Nights at F***boys 2.5 (V 1.1)
You ever wonder what happened after Five Nights at F***boys 2? Well this is what I think would have happened...
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mature Humor