
Comments (6)

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Caraca Velho O Jogo Ta Com Cara De Ser Foda Tú Tem Talento Nerão

how do u download this!!!

You got the storyline messed up. The animatronics got scooped and all made Ennard, and ennard escaped into the sewers. Storyline continues. (Anything you want)

only that sister location is the location where michael's sister was killed and in a pizzeria nothing like that happened so I would call it ... and on the other hand it's more about the name sister location because the pizzeria was killed

A year after the events of Sister Location the animatronics managed to escape and go to the sewer and in the sewers they found the ventilation of the pizzeria (CIRCUS BABY PIZZA WORLD) the police of the place went there to see if there was anything else When they entered they never left again.
The place for you Rick to get into this haunted and scared pizzeria, you had to enter through the sewers.
So, good luck.

Um Ano depois dos acontecimentos de Sister Location (HISTORIA DE SCOTT) os animatronics conseguiram fugir e irem para o esgoto e nos esgotos eles acharam a ventilaçao da pizzaria (CIRCUS BABY PIZZA WORLD) a policia do lugar foram lá para ver se tinha alguma coisa mais quando eles entraram eles nunca mais sairam.
O lugar para você Rick entrar para essa pizzaria assombrada e assustado , você teve entrar pelos esgotos.
Então Boa Sorte.




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