give 10 waffles to directdoggo
encourage Scott 10 times
music box:begginer
wind the music box 10 times
begging fan
get emil macko's news 10 times
The 1st night
beat night 1
the 2nd night
beat night 2
hello commenter
comment a good comment on the game
Waffle God
give directdoggo 50 waffles
Super fan
encourage scott 50 times
music box:expert
wind the music box 50 times
A fan since FNAC2
get emil macko's news 50 times
the 3rd night
compelete night 3
The 4th night
compelete night 4
thanks for encouraging me!
encourage me.
Waffles,Waffles Yet More Waffles
give directdoggo 100 waffles
The Best Fan in the Universe
encourage Scott 100 times
Music Box:God
wind the music box 100 times
A fan since FNAC1
get emil macko's news 100 times
the 5th night
compelete night 5
the 6th night
compelete night 6
the 7th night
compelete night 7
thanks for being a great fan
make a youtube let's play or support me until the game releases
The sad ending
get the bad ending
5/20 compelete How did you do that?!
compelete night 7 on 5/20 mode
the 8th night
compelete the DLC for the 8th night
Beta tester
be a beta tester!
Dev Greatness
be a great dev!
a Great ending
get the true ending