
Comments (10)

What do you think?

i like how you used the model i made. (ur good at rigging)

this is my favorite game ever

What Markiplier said In 2016:"Wanna see my head come off?"


love dis game

Game Soundtrack

1 song

It's A Small World- (Creepy Piano SlowMotion) Menu Song

[Romana] :

			          ATENTIE: Acest joc conține jumpscares, semi - deranjant continut, și intermitent imagini. Căști stereo sunt sfătuiți....

Acest joc nu este facut de autorul original, este FAN-MADE! Five Nights At Tresure Island 666: The End Of Nightmare este o fangame de FNAF, jocul original fiind Cinci nopți la Treasure Island, făcute de AnArt1996.

Vă rugăm să nu dati rating negativ , dacă sunteți un hater FNAF sau obosit de remake - uri FNATI, ratingurile nu sunt menite să fie dat de cei care urasc, ele sunt menite să fie acolo dacă oamenii găsi joc într - adevăr sau buggy totală teribilă și ei l - au jucat sau cel puțin a încercat.

In curand:2016 By Gamerul Potato

[English] :

			      WARNING: This game contains jumpscares , semi - disturbing content , and flashing images. Stereo Headphones are advised ....

This game is not made by the original author , is FAN- MADE ! Five Nights At Tresure Island 666 : The End Of Nightmare is a fangame for FNAF , the original game five nights at Treasure Island, made AnArt1996 .

Please do not give negative rating if you're a hater FNAF or tired remake - sites fnatic , the ratings are not intended to be given by haters , they are meant to be there if people find the game in - Fact or buggy overall terrible and they played - or at least tried.

Soon 2016 By Gamerul Potato

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence


The New Map is Done and im gonna post it later

Noua harta este gata si o voi posta mai tarziu