Game Community
YeeTNeta Corporation Community
6 Members

Comments (4)

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the map is good


WARNING: This is an italian project. You can find informations in the README.txt file that you find in the "" archive (once opened the README.txt file just scroll down and you'll find the english informations). Oh, you can download and play this game on Linux too, but you need to be installed Wine on it.

Benvenuto nella nuova pizzeria Minceraft! Stiamo cercando una guardia notturna che possa sorvegliare la pizzeria! Magari quella guardia potresti essere proprio tu! I nuovi animatronici ti daranno un caloroso benvenuto nella pizzeria! I nostri animatronici sono all'avanguardia, sono di alta generazione, senza malfunzionamenti e senza problemi tecnici!

Dovrai svolgere solo 5 notti (ma se vuoi fare una notte in più, basta chiedercelo!) e avrai uno stipendio di un centesimo! Noi lasciamo i nostri animatronici attivi la notte per evitare malfunzionamenti, non farli entrare nel tuo ufficio o saranno guai! Chiudigli le porte in faccia o scacciali dandogli dei pugni!

Controllali con il monitor, mi raccomando, non perderli di vista (e basta che poi non scappi durante la notte, idiota)!


Welcome to the new Minceraft pizzeria! We're looking for some night guards that watch over the pizzeria! Maybe you could be that night guard! The new animatronics will give you a warm welcome in the pizzeria! Our animatronics next generation robots, without malfunctions or technical issues!

You will have to stay for 5 night (but if you want to have an extra night, just ask for it!) and you'll get one of a cent! We leave our animatronics active at night to avoid malfunctions, do not let them enter your office or there will be trouble! Shut the doors in their face or chase them away by punching them! Check them with the monitor, please, do not lose sight of them (and as long as you don't run away during the night, idiot)!

#fangame #horror #fnaf #action #survival #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans


-Framerate turned up, the game now runs at 120FPS for a smoother experience

-Changed credit screen in the Extras menu


-Fixed an issue regarding THEPIONEER's jumpscare in Night 1 (once the animatronic arrived in the office the jumpscare frame was not shown)

-Renamed the "LEGGIMI.txt" file in "README.txt" and added new informations and the english part.

Sto notando che il mio gioco sta diventando popolare! Sono sbalordito!

I'm noticing that my game is getting popular! I'm amazed!

Andate a vederlo!

Go check it out!


Domani ci sarà il trailer d'uscita di Five Night At Minceraft e il THEPIONEER Direct sul canale LinkoYT. Siate sintonizzati!

Tomorrow there will be the release trailer of Five Nights At Minceraft and the THEPIONEER Direct on LinkoYT's Channel. Stay tuned!