Comments (13)

I remade the banner because I was bored, feel free to use it!
all of your models was created in blender?
how do u make a game
Five Nights At Sugars 2
You work at a family restaurant. Every night you come home and sleep. But is it peaceful sleep? No, it could be the least peaceful of all sleep. Nightmares intrude on your sleep, and you just can't sleep... bags surround your eyes... That's the most these nightmares can do, right?
This is the sequel to Five Nights At Sugars, (which this is the 3rd time I've tried to write this, but my computer kept blue screening...) if you want to download it here's the link https://games/fivenightsatsugarsfnaffangame/744322. (I would put a normal link but my computer kept crashing, just copy and paste it into the search bar.) This game is very much inspired by Five Nights At Freddys 4. The release date is planned to be October 10th
Use shift when at the door to close it, hold down shift to use the flashlight in the closet. If Sugar is in front of your door, hide in the bed, if you hear a door unlocking sound, hide in your bed. If you see Hoppys gone out of the closet, find him. If you hear footsteps to the left, check the closet for Susie and shine him until he goes away, If you hear footsteps to the right, close the door until you hear running. If Lester is peeking out over your bed, you can't hide in it.