Comments (35)
You know I love Tales from the Outer Zone. Here's the video we recorded live last Sunday where you were in the chat, biting your nails at me playing the wrong version of it. :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fBcXQH4rxs
(Note to everyone else: The crash we encountered in this game has been fixed!)
Really adore experiencing the atmosphere of this game as well as playing as different characters unique that all have their quirks and goals in life.
P.S Also, don't knock an advertisement, because you may need it.
Only had a brief look at it since I wasted a lot of time with technical issues until I wised up and ran it with native AGS. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/446819851?t=03h35m51s
I really like the aesthetic and am looking forward to a full playthrough.
The aesthetics and atmosphere of the game are great, and most of the puzzles feel good. The puzzle that turns on the spaceship was my favorite, and I had problems figuring out what to do with the door but I finally solved it. Games should have more ugly playable characters, like yours.
The atmosphere is brilliant! Really nice art too.
I had a bit more difficulties "entering" the game and understanding what was expected from me, the onboarding could be a little bit smoother maybe :)
Tales From The Outer Zone: Fleshworms
A catastrophic tale of hubris and oversized leeches.
First you fly..
Then you crash..
And finally you deal with.. THE FLESHWORMS!
Made by Malte Burup
Created in two weeks for #AdvJam2019
#horror #adventure #retro #pointnclick #atmospheric #storyrich #2D #Pixelart