
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Hey, i tried it today but im not sure to understand what i can do ^^' may i get some tips?

uhhh not to copy you but i am also making a game called Five Nights At Aftons

this game needs so much work its just chris afton and u have to just click them its just stupid

cool game харош продолжай

Пережить пять ночей с семьей Афтонов #horror #fangame #fnaf

Animated Bloodshed

game support end...

1.5.0 release 10th of december

I made a rather difficult decision all the content of version 1.5.0 will be moved to version 1.6.0 version 1.5.0 will just be a new year's update

update releasing 10 or 15th of december

i'm testing shop