Comments (77)
An interesting idea, how did you come up with this?
I have a Question...
How can you tell if there's an animatronic in both of the doorways? Is it that:
1.It has Audio Cues
2.Visual Cues are There for the game,But it might be buggy/NOT Buggy
3.Neither,It's just Guessing and Luck...
4.Either of those (Audio & Visual Cues) are IN the Game...
Please Answer to me if you have time,Developer! :)
Looks good! Ima try it out
Sister Location Private Room:Russian Roulette.
FNaF: Halls of Horrors
FNaF: Halls of Horrors (Android)
The Android port of Halls of Horrors. Keep in mind that the Game Jolt API couldn't be implemented in this version.
Halls of Horrors is a game of trial and error, where have to memorize patterns in order to make your way to the end!
You can either walk through one of the corridors or crawl through the vent. Once you leave the room, the only thing you can do is keep moving forward. If you choose an empty area, you'll survive and make it to another room. However, if you choose an area containing an animatronic, there's a chance you'll cross paths with it and die! The gameplay varies with the game modes, which are listed below.
Endless Mode
The animatronics' locations are randomized, and there's no chance of escape. Your high score will be saved, and if you have a Game Jolt account or play as a guest it will be uploaded to the scoreboard!
Escape Mode
The animatronics' locations are always the same, and there's no chance of survival if you go the wrong way; however, it's possible to escape!
You can come across minigames while traveling from room to room. If you fail the minigame, you'll simply move to the next room. If you win, you'll be rewarded and skip several rooms! A checkpoint will also be set (but not in endless mode).