Game Community
Five Nights at Kiria's community
4 Members

Comments (3)

What do you think?

"Wow che bel gioco chissà se avrà remake in futuro"

ITA: benvenuti alla nuova Kiria's Pizza World dopo due mesi per il triste umicidio di sette persone è tornata con i vecchi Youtubertronics

ENG: welcome to the new Kiria's Pizza World after two months for the sad murder of seven people is back with the old Youtubertronics #fnaf #horror #fangame #fnaf

Five Nights at Kiria's Remake:

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

here is the evolution of Kiria

as promised here is the evolution of Youtubertronics let's start with Favij

I know, the old versions are a bit cringe

in June Five Nights at Kiria's 1 and One Night at FredChica will already be one year old...

ita: se trovate qualche bug fatemelo sapere

eng: If you find any bugs let me know

(nessun video sul gioco senza prima chiedermelo)

(no videos about the game without asking me first)

I'll make an update where I'll put English subtitles

ENG: I just realized that fnak1's calendar doesn't have the number 16 it's a small mistake just imagine that there is the 16th

ITA: mi sono appena accorto che il calendario di fnak1 non ha il numero 16 è un piccolo errore basta solo immaginare che c'è il 16

fun fact:

ITA: gli Youtubertronics sono alti 3 metri e 10

ENG: the Youtubertronics they are 3 meters and 10 high

name: Angela Tervoter

age: 27 years old

birthday: 03/20/1963

sexuality: pansexual

name: Enrico Masti

age: 26 years old

birthday: 10/05/1964

sexuality: ???