the source code demo for high fights is out what to expect from FNF-Redhot 4 weeks 2-3 songs every week dialogue for 1 song every week 3 bonus weeks what to expect from bonus weeks nonsense tord whitty(already added) -Bendyfreak
very work in progress FNF-Redhot(source code version)check out the old version of redhot at is all b...
If someone is wondering(what's the lore)it will be explained in the weeks(each week will contain 1 or 2 songs)with dialogue(by the way the songs will get harder and harder with week7 being the hardest and every song will have hurt notes meaning no spam)
by the way the age rating has things that are EXPECTED to be in the mod so it's a 50/50 that drug reference so don't expect pico to say "I'm gonna do some crack" it might not happen because dialogue might not exist most weeks will have only one song.