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fnf corrupted neo old edition mod 1.2 (demo)
outdated mod
hola bienvenido a fnf corrupted neo spirit of the disk
este mod esta basado en el corrupted original de phantom fear y en el fnf neo de JellyFish
aunque hay algunas cosas del fnf corrupted reimagined creado por dyan
esto aun es una demo ya que en la version completa tendra nuevas weeks y canciones extras
actualmente la primera demo tiene la week de skid y pump y 7 canciones extras contando covers
puedes seguirme en mi canal de youtube para ver el progreso https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8KPNFpuhxsVrxPmCr2ZdfA
aqui los creditos
leo creador del mod mas creador de algunos sprites covers y songs y charter
jose1000m509 creador de los sprites de bf y gf
shadic creador del icono base
Rodrigo_The_Hedgehog creador del sanguine souht remix
bugger creador del remix de chiller
v2oor creador del slown mas revert del menu neo
omega creador del antiguo remix de chiller
dark creador del remix de bedeviled
geronimo5836 creador del fla de evil bf
amiiboyfanboy1 donde encontre los midis que usea para los covers
honton mi inspiracion del story menu
E-shrimp creador del pixel bf old original
fnf corrupted por phantom fear
fnf corrupted reimagined por dyan
jellyfish creador de fnf neo
creador de indie cros moro(lo pongo para dar creditos a los sprites de sans)
English (use traductor google)
hi welcome to fnf corrupted neo spirit of the disk this mod is based on the original corrupted phantom fear and the neo fnf of JellyFish although there are some things from the fnf corrupted reimagined created by dyan this is still a demo since in the full version it will have new weeks and extra songs currently the first demo has the week of skid and pump and 7 extra songs counting covers you can follow me on my youtube channel to see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8KPNFpuhxsVrxPmCr2ZdfA
the progress here the credits
leo creator of the mod plus creator of some sprites covers and songs and charter jose1000m509 creator of the bf and gf sprites
shadic base icon creator
Rodrigo_The_Hedgehog creator of the sanguine sur remix
bugger creator of the chiller remix
v2oor creator of the most revert slown of the neo menu
omega creator of the old chiller remix
dark bedeviled remix creator
geronimo5836 creator of the evil bf fla
amiiboyfanboy1 where did I find the midis that I used for the covers
honton my story inspiration menu
E-shrimp creator of the original old pixel bf
fnf corrupted by phantom fear corrupted
fnf reimagined by dyan
jellyfish of fnf neo
creator of indie cros moro (I put it to give credits to the sans sprites) #fnf
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