
Comments (9)

What do you think?

(i guess i cant reply to replies?) i tried pressing the number keys and the buttons, but it doesnt work. the buttons just show up as white rectangles for me, i dont know if theres supposed to be text or not but i can only see the logo and a bunch of white rectangles

i cant get past the title screen. how do i start the game?

Create an account just to let you know this is a pretty well done game. Hope to see more from you.

Cool game. I included it in part 3 of my Indie Quilt compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)

First thing that stands out is that you can't control the menu with the WASD keys; only the mouse. I like to have that option, but it's not really too big of a problem :)

I like how your character on the level selection screen equips his helmet when you choose a level XD

Wow, fighting against the guy who can shoot back is really difficult!

Overall, it's a good, quick game :)

When peace is interrupted & all is lost...Who do we turn to?

When destruction regins & darkness overcomes...What do we do?

When life stands still & there is no solution in sight...How do we cope?

NO NEED TO WORRY!!! Force Defender is on the rise! The Xi Empire has come to wreak havoc spreading their negative energies, but Force Defender has arrived on the scene!

Take control of Force Defender, warrior of greatness, and defeat members of the Xi Empire using your infamous Force Shot in 10 epic levels! Do so in a timely manner because you only have 30 seconds before the negative energies of the Xis overcome all!

Current Verison: 1.0


W,A,S,D for movement

Space to shoot

E to exit stage after winning/losing a level to return to menu


Everything but music - Asix Jin Trigger

Title Screen Music - MooseHead: New Dawn by w33n

Regular Battle Music - Go Fast Dance Hard by RoccoW

Mid-Boss Battle Music - Nu-Pentatonic by Manamaniac

Anti Defender Battle Music - Untitled LSDJ wank #1 by Pigface1985

Unweilding support - My darling mother, stern father, and loving girlfriend (Love you Destenie n_n)

Feedback can be sent to [email protected]

[Note: This game was made for the #indiequilt jam and ranked 2nd out of 79 games!]


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