
Comments (1)

What do you think?

if u need any scripter , model maker or something? i can help you. even i have youtube channel with 710 subs. channel name: bumthimble


FPS Football

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

For This Version;

This is the current version of the game. It does not have multi player and AI yet.The Controlls are simple. You can shoot the ball with left mouse click and you can pull ball with right mouse click. The other controlls basicly are the same with the other fps games. You can only close the game using alt+tab. Hope you enjoy.

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This is my first game I've developed. This is an online first person veiw football game were you can control the ball easily by pulling and hitting. There is 2 goals and 2 players and yesi you quest it two teams. One red team and one blue team. Currently I'm working on networking for the game. After that I will finilaze the UI and I will release the game. Keep in touch.


First version will be out soon

The first version will be out soon. Currently Iā€™m working on multiplayer components. The first version will be able to be played with 2 people so keep in touch.