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New game!

This is the third game of my #12Months12Games challenge. This is a very simple game about freelance schedules. You will need to organize your day hours to add hours to your commissions and be paid for it!

This month has been crazy, with a lot of things, meets, plans and other staff (game dev related, but not work in my own games), so I haven't had time to create a more complex game. A lot of things remain in the development document, but without time to implement :(

But, no more cries! The next month I will create a small shooter! It will be a REALLY small shooter game, but I will do my best.

Use and control

You need to drag the elements on the left side of the screen (one element, one hour dedicated to that activity) to the schedule on the right side.

Every element has unique properties and they will change the sliders at the top of the screen. If any of the first three (Energy, Health or Happiness) down to 0, you will lose the game. If Money drop to 0, you can't eat until you have more money.

When you fill all the Project bar, you will earn the money that you select in the first window, over and over again. Until life punch you in the face.

  • Work: When you work, your energy and your happiness drops, but the project bar will increase.

  • Sleep: increase your health and your energy bar.

  • Eat: increase your health bar. Remember, you need to eat 3 times per day!

  • Free time: increase Happiness and a little bit of Energy.

  • Socialize: increase a lot of Happiness, but it will draw your Energy.


Repeat as the musician, Jorge MS!

External assets used

Special thanks

A special hug to Dav Valdahla. Her crazy schedules in MS Excel inspired me to make this one!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!