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Game Soundtrack

3 songs

zombie hoodoo

Friends in the end is an idea me and my friends have batted around for a while. This is our first game but is a more story based game as well. This is a visual novel but not a typical one with girls and dating sim. stuff, this game is a post apocalyptic multi-choice game.

You see the world through the eyes of Nack the 8 year old cat and Nicky the 1 & 1/2 year old pup. Your master was one of the many to die from a bomb that fell in the city area, the bombs impact spread to the suburbs making the roof fall on Nack aand his master killing her. World war 4 started. Survive, Make friends, Make do with what you got, and uncover the past and the present.

Now as this game has zombies in it do not think of it as a zombie game. The zombies are only there to be the base of the game, to get it started and to keep our charcters from standing still for to long. While they are zombies, they are never actually called zombies but as our main charcters call them; "Shadow figures", "Dark ones", "monsters", "Bleeding figures", and our personal favorite "Auraless figures"

The game has been hard to make lately since I was stuck with a crappy and old laptop so I had to stop. Thankfully I got my computer out of pawn so it is fully back on.

Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Strong Language

Friends in the end update. Music problems and ideas