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What is Friendship Test?

Friendship Test is a 2-player local coop game where you and your buddy goes through a set of 3 levels and a quiz to analyze how good your friendship is.

You can find a part of Super Platform's lore in this SM4LL.

What are SM4LL games?

SM4LL Collection is a collection of small games where I use any idea just for fun, the games as obviusly shown, are small and quick, sometimes a bit long but still a small game unless you 100% the entire game, but the gameplay itself is short. These games I make so I won't get bored of my big projects (like Power Outage) and I also use these games to learn new techniques of gameplays and ideas that I never made before, like party games, puzzle games, coop games, etc.

About the filter

In fullscreen mode the filter looks a little bit weird and more distorted, so only the tube distortion is applied during fullscreen, the "composite" (basically that weird effect) gets disabled once you go to fullscreen mode, and goes back on windowed mode.

What About Power Outage?

If some of you know, I'm working on Power Outage, my first Steam project, this project won't take all of my time that I could use on Power Outage, this is a simple project like many I plan to make to refresh my mind and distract myself a bit so I don't get lazy or have loss of motivation to work on it.

If you see this, the game has secret codes but I hid them very badly, so here are them




#platformer #puzzle #coop #twoplayer #2players #localcoop

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

All of the games's changelogs, including this one, is now shown on the official website or on our official discord server.

The page was on the fucking Devlog mode so the packages wouldn't appear 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

V1.1.1 - Patch & Small Changes (03.01.2024)

V1.1 - Update 1 (02.01.2024)

THE GAME IS OUT :DDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!