Comments (6)
This idea is very unusual. How do I start the game?
how do i play it-
It is what it is.
Funamusea Time Trio
This is my 3rd game on GameJolt, this's also the first trio battle in Create Your Frisk.
"Funamusea Time Trio" is the battle where you fight 3 main characters from 3 different games made by Deep Sea Prisoner(Funamusea):Yonaka from Mogeko Castle, Yosafire from The Gray Garden and Wadanohara from Wadanohara And The Great Blue Sea.
Please read README.txt for more details.
This game have:
A menu where you selected to choose start or play the extra.
An epic extra encounter.
Debug mode! (Fully healed when player's hp is lower than 150hp)
You will need CYF 0.6.5 to play this: https://github.com/RhenaudTheLukark/CreateYourFrisk/releases
RTL for CYF.
Deep Sea Prisoner for TGG, Mogeko Castle and Wadanohara and the great blue sea.
Toby Fox for Undertale.
#fangame #rpg #mogekocastle #deepseaprisoner #watgbs #thegraygarden