Boyfriend gets into a dirty ass mountain a now he has to face the humans and monsters in the mountain
This mod will have 10 songs in the Demo and 30+ Songs in the full mod, we are trying to make this the best mod we can so stay tuned for it soon...
@DancinCricket (Owner, Director, Composer, Main Charter, VA)
@shagsterlmao (Director, Artist, Animator, Charter)
@LounderXD (Artist, Animator)
Liam (Artist, Animator)
Artifex (Artist, Animator, Composer)
ivan.NRG (Artist)
Cyanik.png (Artist)
CurlsVC (Artist)
Nacki (Artist)
JamboNoodles (Artist)
Noki (Artist)
Franki17e (Artist, SFM Animator, Translator)
Kyie (Loading Artist, Animator, VA)
Drimbi (Animator, Composer)
tails error (Animator)
SwagaRuney (Animator, Charter, Programmer)
@Vechett (Main Programmer, Charter)
DemonicWishes (Programmer)
Inkauro (Programmer)
MrPolo (Programmer)
Sinwalker (Main Composer)
jack07 (Composer, Charter, Chromatic Maker)
@biltro_ (OG Owner, Composer, Charter)
PolarScicle (Composer)
@Hotcream (Composer)
MidstHex (Composer)
@ROBoOCtBNY (Composer)
Narda (Composer, Writer)
the_muffin456 (Composer)
CorbenAGH (Chromatic Maker)
KlutchDj (Charter)
Wovenx (Charter)
Darth Rage (Writer, VA)
@LmaoD4C (VA)
FNF Help Wanted (Translator)
CorleyRecord (OG Artist)