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The fuzzy breeder is sort of a mini game for another project ive been working on for some time.

the controls are not in game, they are as follows...

-Left clicking on a fuzzy will select that fuzzy, left clicking somewhere else will cause that fuzzy to walk to that spot. (this is buggy right now, so its not really recommended or needed other than to display that fuzzies stats in the top right corner.)
-Left clicking on herbs, orbs, fruit, or crystals will pick them up.
-left clicking the grown herbs or crystals breaks them down.
-while holding a crystal, an herb, orb, or fruit, right click to place it back down, or right click while hovering over a fuzzy to give it to that fuzzy.
-Left clicking the warez shop will bring up the menu.
-When a fuzzy capsule is purchased, it will be set somewhere random on the field. when the yellow dot turns red, click it to hatch your new fuzzy! i believe six fuzzies is the maximum.
Since this game is still very early in development, and does not save your fuzzies (im sorry lol) you can press the spacebar to give yourself some creditz. feel free to load up, get some capsules and experiment with what kinds of fuzzies you can get!

-in the fuzzy breeder you raise your own fuzzy to your liking.
-Fuzzies have 4 stats, Strength, Speed, Defense, and Vitality.
-In addition to the 4 stats, there are also 5 elements, acid, shock, explosive, ice and fire. collect enough creditz to purchase an orb from the warez shop and give it to your fuzzy to change his look and element.
-Crystals grow naturally in the garden over time, or starter crystals can be purchased from the shop and are auto planted. maximum of 5 of the same kind of crystals can be growing at the same time.
-when a crystal is fully grown, click on it to break it down into the refined state, in which you can give to your fuzzy.
-when a fuzzies first stat hits 10, they will transform into that type of fuzzy permanently. you can still switch their elements by giving them additional orbs.
-crystals and well... just about everything (except orbs) can be sold to the warez shop by picking up the object, and right clicking on the warez shop.
-The arms shop (Not implimented yet) will allow you to purchase weapons and armor f-or your fuzzy to aid you during the main game, Celestia.
-herbs can be planted in the grassy section of the garden and when fully grown can be harvested.
-herbs can be fed to your fuzzy to increase its hunger bar. if your fuzzys hunger drops to zero it cannot be used in game and cannot be given any armor, orbs or crystals (not implimented)
-the happiness bar (not implimented) will determine how often your fuzzy gets critical strikes on the enemies during gameplay of celestia.
-The blenders Bar (not implimented) will allow you to mix different kinds of herbs grown in the garden with beans grown in the garden (not implimented) to create Java brews that alter your fuzzies stats, some may even give them special abilities!


Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!