
Comments (17)

What do you think?

Greetings, I was wondering if you or your team could help me with a Underswap fan-game I’m making? Currently, we need artists, spriters, musicians, and coders while I make the script for the game. We have our own Discord server if your interested.

I can help with the story of the game

Hey, i can't join to the discord server :( and i really want to :( there is another way i can join?

this looks coool

wow just wow

WARNING! this is nowhere near canon to the original AU this is just a fangame for it.


-New Handmade battle system.

-Full Ost!

-New characters including old ones.

-Easter eggs and other fun stuff.

-Side Quest!

-Full Pacifist/Genocide/Neutral route.

-Hardmode! . . . probably. . . maybe. . . eh don't count on it.

-And more!

The Team!

Story/Leader - Me/@TeamOst/@Moose_yumpizza

Coder/Game Maker - (Open)

Music Maker - (Open)

Spriter - @AmaroBonito /@Moose_yumpizza

Beta-Tester - My friend

#adventure #rpg #platformer #puzzle #textadventure #fangame #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Update 4/2/2021

-New team name - Team:Stardom!

Update 3/31/2021

- Progress is going slow and steadily because we don't have coders and we want to get most of the first few main sprites done before we start on the game so please be patient with this project.


Update #2

-New team member! @Moose_yumpizza

Update 3/12/2021

-Updated game logo.