
Comments (8)

What do you think?

So I beast every level in this game, even the secret bonus level that needs the password.

I rated it 5/5. Why?
Well, here's why:

  • The game's sound design is great. I enjoy that a pretty good amount.

  • The contrast of simple retro graphics and the actual photos of gems is a really cool effect that I love.

  • The game has several different hazards of varying originality, which is cool.

  • There are smaller secret things.

  • There is variety in the levels, which made me want to push further.

  • The game has heart.

I was planning to rate it 4/5 because the Jetpack mechanic is sorta bugged. As in:

  • The friction is incredibly floaty, which wouldn't be a problem if not for the rest of the issues with the jetpack.

  • If you pick up speed while moving horizontally, the momentum remains even while going vertically.

  • Even slightly colliding with a wall immediately stops you in place, even if you're not moving directly at the wall. This means that tight areas (Like in level 10) cause you to lose speed even while moving alongside the wall.

In all, good work on it! It's really charming, and I enjoyed it!




Greatness 8/8 :o

Welcome to Gem Cube. This is a little game I made in the course of learning game development. It's a game where you play as a green cube and your goal in each level is to collect a shiny gem. The levels vary in difficulty... so some may be stupidly easy, while others seem impossible.

Good luck!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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