Comments (5)
Masterpiece. enjoyed every part, even the bugs 5/5
Awesome game. I really enjoyed it. One thing I found annoying was how your torch went away in a dark place after going into a house or something. 5/5
The words are kind of difficult to read and the battle system is needs help but other than that this is a pretty nice game! 4/5
Generica: The Next Generation
Welcome to Generica: The Next Generation! It follows the story of the new generation of heroes as they hunt down the heathen vessel meant to resurrect the fallen Slayer King.
33 years after the demise of the Slayer King and the events of Generica, a Cardinal in the southern continent of Southica is convinced a plan is afoot to resurrect the evil theron. He has secretly trained a new group of heroes to seek out and destroy the heathen vessel meant to revive the Lord of Destruction.
In a world still sickened by the wars and bloodshed and tyranny of the defeated Slayer King, our heroes must pursue the vessel and its mysterious guardian through valleys, across wastelands and over mountains and stop the resurrection at all costs. Fierce elementals, perilous caves, and dangerous assassins stand in their way as humanity and the New Religion strive to survive in a dying world.
..:: NOTES ::..
This project was intended to be a small project created in a short timeframe. However, that isn't how it played out in the end. After nearly 4 years of sitting in Development Hell, I finally pushed through and completed the game. All told, there was probably about only about 3 months worth of work put into this game. It was just interspersed with months and years long hiatuses. This game is a short RPG like the original Generica ( http://rpgmaker.net/games/1044/ ).