Comments (120)
NO! I will NOT play your games again, Mr. "thecatamites"- if that's even your real name! What do you have to hide? I bet it's real juicy! What? What am I hiding? Don't try to put this on me! I swear I'm not keeping anything from the police! Here, to be totally transparent let me lay out the events that transpired:
I started my computer
I entered my password at the login screen.
I opened "Chrome" "Internet" "Browser"
No, I did NOT kiss a toad, Mr. "thecatamites"
Yes, I DID go to gamejoe dot com!!!
Why do you need to know??
*My pet is a frog, not a toad!
Look, if you MUST know... I do NOT kiss frogs OR toads! I despise your game because it portrays amphibians as foul, base creatures. Did you even consider this? The "toad fancy dot com" forums are considering our options after this serious blow to public image. If you continue I'm going to have to start a "flame war" right here on these very comments! Do NOT tempt me, Mr. "thecatamites"- do NOT!
Your digitoad's honking woke up my neighbors. It woke up three cats. It woke up seventeen children. It woke up a single, tearful baby. An adult shouted into the streets, hoping to find God. No, Mr. "thecatamites", this is not just some game! This is the very end of my social life as we know it. The fine citizens who live in my cul-de-sac will not make eye contact. they sneer and throw rocks at my face. My nose has broken and ants have made a home inside the decaying tissue. They seem very happy- starting a new life like that. But you know what? No one asked me. This all started because your toad- your crud, awful caricature of a TOAD Mr. "thecatamites"- honked and honked and honked all over, made a real fool of me, now my neighbors make fun of me. What do you mean they already did?! How would you know? Oh... I see. Well I still DEMAND you make this game down! I am a very important person and my opinion GOES Mr. "thecatamites". Do you know the word "lawful"? Do you know the word "psychopomp"? Will you finish my English paper for me? Will you sign this form, Dad? Do I know you? Where am I? What's happening? Is this a prison cell? Is this the end?
Well, it looks like it is. No thanks to you, Mr. "thecatamites"- no thanks to you.
this is still, in 2017, one of the beastest games ive come to know about. I love how it feels enormous and I copmlex world
There are a lot of games with humorous sub-par production or anti-commercial overtones that are really great and come leave the player feeling a little better about their life or maybe even hope for the future of video games. They have a little gift of real humanity in them, a little life-giving laughter. Soul in punk-rock form.
But this one. This one is different. This one made me roll up my sleeves and build video games.
It's an exploration-based game that kinda defies genre. The gameplay, while it can be pretty fun, is not the focus. The focus discovering new things. I'm not sure if it has an ending and I know I haven't explored all that it has to offer, but this game is absolutely massive. There's so much stuff to see in it. The hand-drawn character graphics are very cool and the environments are amazing and atmospheric. The music is awesome, too. It's also amazing how much effort was put in, there are tons and tons of "paragraphs" in the game's files that the game constantly refers to. It feels very interesting, like an old DOS game with important things packed with it. Strangely, it seems to like breaking that atmosphere in hilarious ways. For example, at one point I found a trapdoor that leads to a shop area, but you can't buy anything, the shop is ridiculous neon colours and everybody tries to kill you there. Then a giant monster appears out of thin air. (I later figured out that is the passage to another huge area in the grotto.)
Goblet Grotto is my favourite freeware game. If you're anything at all like me, you will LOVE this game. Highly, HIGHLY recommended.
I did a playthrough of this:
Goblet Mac v1.2
A mysterious cavern...
Filled with goblets...
Valuable goblets...
Wonderful goblets...
Retrieve the goblets...
Don't get eaten...
Don't get bludgeoned...
Don't get tired...
Don't get caught...
Collect the goblets...
Freeware videogame & mystery pak by Stephen Gillmurphy and Winter K.
Wonderful music provided by NEW VADERS.
Instructions provided within package.
Mac version coming soon - you cannot change this.
Well, thanks for looking at our game.
Over 'n' out........................