Comments (2)
The Gold Patrol name is trademarked and Registered No 4,670,867 by the US Patents and Trademarks Office. This is a notice to cease and desist the use of any reference to Gold Patrol immediately. Any continued use of this trademark will subject the user to civil liability for violation of the trademark,
Jeffrey Evan Gold, Esq
1847 Rt 70 East
Cherry Hill Nj 08003
Interesting to see it text-based.
There's gold in them thar hills!
Black gold!
In fact, it's an entirely newly-discovered mix of hydrocarbons known as gold petroleum, or "gold petrol" for short!
Gold petrol is only found in surface deposits in the hills of Upper Slambovia. Its intense promise as an energy source means that the race is on to harvest it. There's no time for derricks and mines. No, the world's energy companies are sending in jet planes that can scoop it up while still in flight.
As a pilot for PILLAGECORP you are part of a brave team that will ensure that none of this precious resource falls into the wrong hands. You are strictly forbidden to land or turn around until you have fulfilled your quota of 100 tons of gold petroleum. This is a matter of utmost national security--not to mention investor return!
NOW IN FULL COLOR! Requires .NET Framework 4.0.
Symbols used in this game:
: Your plane
: Gold
1 : Mountain
Up/Down Arrow to move, Right Arrow to speed up, Left Arrow to slow down, Space to shoot, Escape to quit
Tap up or down to start moving in that direction, tap it again to stop
Right or left will speed up or slow down your flight
Collect gold pieces by flying into them or shooting them with laser bullets
Press space bar to shoot
Your laser bullets destroy anything they hit, but add the gold pieces to your inventory