
Comments (1)

What do you think?

The game is not dead, but I'm actually heading to a CSU soon so I'm going to be studying more thoroughly on skills I need as a game dev. This project won't be done all that soon, but I hope everyone likes it when we finish it.

"Grayscale" is a 2D platformer with a heavy basis around sound. The story takes place in a world similar but very different to our own. The fabric of this world hinges on two dimensions, constantly swapping between the two under the right circumstances. For fear that this idea might get stolen I have to withhold some of the detail, however I will say I plan on making its style much like that of inside or limbo. I am currently the only active member working on this project, but I will work as hard as I can to get this game out.

Intense Fantasy Violence

seeing my old messages and how I just fell off after this is kinda sad. I never gave up my dream of creating this game. hopefully I will be able to post more about it as I go along, thank you for your patience.

Alrighty! I have a full team of 6 working on this now. 3 programmers, 3 artists, and 1 sound/music guy. We are hard at work getting a demo out there so look for our messages keeping you up to date!

Going to University

The game is not dead, but I’m actually heading to a CSU soon so I’m going to be studying more thoroughly on skills I need as a game dev. This project won’t be done all that soon, but I hope everyone likes it when we finish it.

The Ball Starts Rolling

After this new addition to the team I believe I will start setting up a more regular time to meet with my team and work on the project more, and likely update the devlog more often. Can’t wait to start making some real progress.

Music Floods the Devlog