A FNaJOF Story: Haunted Hallows is a remake of Five Nights at Jack-O-Freddy's: The Haunted Attraction from October 2020. Despite being made by Voltage Productions, it is not canon to Jack-O-Fazbear's story and thus is labeled as non-canon.
Jake Burns, a young journalist, is tasked with covering the abandoned remains of Jack-O-Freddy's Haunted Attraction. After brief investigation, he finds himself trapped in what remains of the establishment. After activating a generator, the building springs to life. Not long later, he sees a glow in the doorway...
Dr. Pour Sefestem - Current director, artist, and developer
TheFantasticAero - Previous director, writer, and supervising
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language