Comments (5)
punch, cry, and collect.
punch, cry, and collect.
punch, cry, and collect.
punch, cry, and collect.
punch, cry, and collect.
what a sad little game.
also, nicely done, this game was made with processing ! the mac version works just fine, so as the windows version :D
doesn't seem to work for me, I get a black screen.
Windows version won't launch:( I get two error messages: Windows error "Windows cannot find javaw.exe", though I have Java installed, and the Processing error "Error Calling ShellExecuteEx()".
As soon as a windows or Linux build goes up, I shall check it out. =]
Cat Hero osx
Hero Game
You are a hero.
controlls (works with an english keyboard layout)
w,s,a,d - move
esc - quit
Testing a windows build, please tell me if it works for you.
Game by Foster Wattles
Font by Molly M.
Music by Blake Andrews