
Comments (1)

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A Random game with heroes and decks to play on 1v1 for the moment.

What's Currently in the Game ?

For the moment there's not much, but i'm looking to put more into that game. For the moment, the 0.0.3 build has :

  • 6 playable Heroes, which each one has their own stats and special attack

  • A working 1v1 battle VS A.I.

  • A shop to make a way to get some heroes from the game


My Other Goals :

  • Making a multiplayer mode (and not only Two on the same computer)

  • More Heroes

  • Giving them Levels on each hero so you have to play them to unlock lots of potential

  • Giving the possibility to modify the heroes' deck or their stats at will

    #action #deck_game


Still working !

What a nice day ! Version 0.0.4 is out !

Version 0.0.3 is out today !

New Release ! Version 0.0.2 is out now !

Got a New PC, so i'm back to work more on this game !