
Comments (14)

What do you think?

For Streets of Rage clone, it's disappointing but for beat'm up it's okay
I can't find any item to restore health or to add score in this game. Enemies are practically the same (all of them are ninjas anyways)
The idea is good but need more polishments

Nice game, took me back to Streets of Rage on the Megadrive.
The authentic gameboy look is the icing on the cake. Good stuff!

Very cool that you made a game featuring your friend's character. Sounds like an awesome birthday present. :)

This game looks really authentic. The sprite work and backgrounds are great.
The music also really lends to the feel of it being a real GameBoy title.
I'd also love to see it with the additional features you had planned.

Just out of curiosity, what was the origin of Trixie? That is, did your friend create her for a short story, or an RPG, or another game? Just wondering, I'm always curios about character design. :)

Oh, and Happy Birthday to your friend. Here's hoping he's a fellow who is both jolly and good, and to a degree that cannot be denied. :)

Nice game. I included it in part 16 of my GBJam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Very nice :D


Hicks Of Rage GB #gbjam

Version: 0.1.0over 9 years ago
Name Your Price

Hicks of Rage

Version: 1.0.0almost 9 years ago
This is the updated 16 bit Pixel Art Colour, Simultaneous 4 Player version. With weapons, barrels to break, food to grab, and an end of level boss. This is only one level created for our friend Andrew Hickinbottom's birthday. If there is enough interest we will look at completing the game. Adding more fighting moves, more enemies, more levels, more everything.

Updated, coloured, multiplayer version now available here on GameJolt :D
Added characters, Candy and Penny.
Barrels to break open, with food and pipe weapon.
Mean end of level boss to defeat.

Take to the mean streets as you're filled with rage.
Choose either Andrew, Trixie or Quang and make your way through hoardes of Ninja fighters.
This is a game made for #GBJam 4
For my friend Andrew Hickinbottom, an excellent 3D artist, I decided to make him a game for his birthday with him and his character Trixie in the game.
The timing lined up with #GBJam so I dedicate this entry to him. Happy birthday Andrew.

The graphics are restricted to 4 shades of green for backgrounds and 3 shades for sprites.
Resolution is a mighty 160x144 pixels.
Controls are either WASD + VB or the Cursor Keys + OP, Game Controllers are also supported.

Graphics - Veebster
Musics - Robin Williams
Code - Quang DX (me)

I ran in to some really odd bugs, which meant I was unable to add the boss fight with Bennett.
Also planned were, weapons, barrels, food, and the ability to throw.
I'll get around to adding these when I can sort out the odd bug first.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

Updated Hicks of Rage available on GameJolt

I’ve now uploaded the Windows and Mac version of the latest version direct to GameJolt for you :D

Upgraded to color

We upgraded the game, making it colour, 4 players, and finished off the present.

Check it out here