Comments (2)
Im deeply sorry about all the Trojan thing, i dunno what happened, turns out Windows Defender detects fake viruses? I truly thought you were hiding a virus, im sorry
For being your first horror game, it's not that bad. The build up od the atmpsphere is nice, but the monster just kill it instantly. It looks very goofy, plus, the jumpscare definetively needs improvements. I got 2 of the 3 endings and i dont know where the third one is. It's entertaining, and that's all that matters, goodbye.
Discover the secrets of the abandoned hotel rumored to be haunted by a monster. Explore its dark corridors to uncover the truth.
W = move forward
A = move left
S = move backward
D = move right
E = interact
F = flashLight
Left Shift = run
RMB = zoom
Consider that this is my first horror game so if you have any suggestions feel free to write it in the comments, and if you like the game don't forget to rate it