Game Community
Alem's fangames and other stupid stuff
12 Members

Comments (19)

What do you think?

I wanna make a fangame of this

how do i see code

I can make music.

bro its like scratch doesn't want you to finish this game

Jamie's was a very popular restaurant on the 2000's but on 2003 an incident occurred and the place shut down. 2 years later on 2005, the place still exists and it is being remodeled by the owners that won't let it go. You are the place's new security guard that will keep it from vandals during nightime before the place's opening. But as time passes you realise that something sinister is going on in here, and youre the only one who can figure it out. What could go Wrong?

#fangame #horror #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

Oh btw, the update its on the scratch V already:

Mobile V will be fixed soon once more! Maybe when my Windows 7 works again....

I just realeased the Mobile update has some things missing. I will update it in a while. (I feel like shit for this)

The promotional images arrived for the gamepage! I WILL EAT TODAY WOOOOOO

I woke up and I had 17 notifications on Scratch all because of Jamie's

Fun Fact:

Check this out!

I added a new Credits music and updated the description to the reboot im doing. This game might come out today if im lucky.

Okay, so I made an original but short minigame. Its basically a combination between the fnaf 6 entrevists, Funtime Freddy's SL minigame, and Hide To Survive 2's Parts and Service sections.

I have a post minigame Idea like in fnaf 4 where it makes you skip 2 hours of your next shift. Whoever, I got 3 ideas of them that I want to share with yall.

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