
Comments (52)

What do you think?

You had the whole game perfect up until the point where, in all your apparent non-existent wisdom, you added in an enemy the same as a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who. Gargoyals. FUCKING GARGOYALS. When you encounter the four of them in the room and are required to get the key for the door, that's not too bad. What makes it bad is the fact that the bastards follow you into the next rooms. It's almost impossible to get past 4 of them when they all come from different directions. They also move way to fast to escape, even if you constantly look at them. But let me get this straight, you claim it has unique enemies, yet you stole an enemy from Doctor Who? Seriously? Otherwise, the game is great.

It's's finally over...the bittersweet taste of victory, we finally completed this masterpiece of a game and oh how it was everything I had hopped it would be. A true definition to the indie horror genre. Anyone who is anyone needs to give this game a try or, if you're feeling lazy, give my full playthrough a look over! But in all seriousness, this game just isn't the same if you don't give it a try for yourself. A True experience for everyone and anyone to try for themselves! Support the developers, give the game a try and you'll soon understand what i'm talking about!

=< >= Thank you, and enjoy!

Greetings Ladies and Gents! First of all, I'd like to inform the spamming moron nazi that this game does INDEED work, you obviously overpayed for your computer and secondly I'd also like to redirect anyone who finds this game to the full version Here =>

I have started my very own let's play of the full version, and it is a multi parter, so if you enjoy my let's play, please sub and follow along with me! but enough self promotion, This game is absolutely NOT garbage and is one of the most fantastic games I've ever played with a horrifying atmosphere and truly original idea behind it. But without spoiling anything, I encourage you to try it out for yourself, try watching some of the lovely videos posted for you!

=< >= Here's my let's play, please enjoy!

Thanks I hope your game gets greenlit can't wait to record it

hey I would like to play your game on youtube is it ok if its monetized?

This Game will also be released on steam soon.

You love to Geocache.

It's a good way to escape the daily life.
You like doing it alone and at night. It has that special adrenalin rush.
But what will you do, when you find out that you're not alone?

Hunted: One Step Too Far,

is the first Game of Indie Game Developer DK Productions.
It combines horror, adventure,survival and walking simulator
elements to one unique mix.
Expect to explore threatening environments while you are
looking for the geocache.

Game Features:

  • Multiple Open Area Levels

  • No Cheap Jumpscares

  • Living World

  • Atmospheric Soundtrack

  • Creepy Environments

  • Unique Enemies

  • Unique Story

#horror #adventure #firstperson #first_person #DK_Productions #Gameguru #scary
#creepy #atmospheric #dark

Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Brief Nudity
Mild Language
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