Comments (64)

I know that it's probably pretty terrible but I decided to make some fanart of your fangame, I really liked it, it warmed my heart and I wanted to show it by drawing this
i genuinely cried real tears while playing this. not because its bad though. its great,
I like how you actually made sans feel like a actual person, it felt like I actually had a nice conversation with a friend!
literally the best friendly sans game ever

thank you sans from undertale
An Ending To All - Over (Finale)
The Full Game!
An Ending To All - Over (Finale) || MOBILE EDITION
The Full Game For MOBILE! (Android. Sorry Apple Users!)
merry christmas!!
hope you enjoy!!
sans sprite by iconic
thumbnail art by flowery
music by 这是水bruh (on bilibili)
mobile port by Ilka MP
game by me!!