
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Is this free or do you have to pay for it? Cause there is no download button, in fact there is no button at all!! :(

I'm going to review this game very soon.

This looks great!

Inaris is a tale of discovery about a lonely soul wandering in a set of empty familiar temples. This entity's connection with the environment will allow it to manipulate columns in order to find out what it is looking for.

Inaris: The Cloud Temple is a game developed at GAM300/GAM350/GAM400 classes at the Bachelor of Science of Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation (CSRTIS) in DigiPen Institute of Technology Europe - Bilbao. The objective of the project is to develop a 3D game (Inaris: The Cloud Temple) and a 3D engine (Forest Engine) from scratch.

NOTE: If you appear flying/overlapping collisions, press G in your keyboard.

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