Infinite Regress
The player is surrounded by four impenetrable walls; the space inside represents the 'mind space', the 'knowledge' achieved. You can see what's outside, but you can only understand (reach, touch, consume) what's inside. Around you, items pop randomly: the information pieces. They only last some seconds. Some throw stars: those are the good ones, they make your mind grow. Others, the bad ones, throw smoke. The task is easy: pick the good ones, and your closure will expand, and avoid the bad ones, or your mind space will shrink. But you are not alone: around you, three robots, which represent the critics (or information discriminators), are constantly walking towards and item, deciding if it's good or bad, and moving to the next item. When a critic touches an item they return a verdict: from now on, the critic opinion is what prevails. If and item is deemed good, it will move towards the player slowly, because good information lasts longer. If the verdict is bad, it will move towards the player at a high speed: shit moves fast, and falls into oblivion faster. How can you win? Pick enough good items to make the player's barrier bigger than the whole scenery. Avoiding several bad items in a row also makes the room grow. How can you loose? When your closure is so small that you cannot avoid any item. Failing to pick a good item also makes the room space decrease.