We control a taxi driver through New York City's Street in October 1938. We are Paul River who will live an adventure which change our minds. We will meet historical characters, visit main and real New York places such as 57th West Street in old stetic graphics as tribute form to the first 3D-Games. "The world doesn't Know, but we are in danger."
Manejamos a un taxista en las calles de Nueva York en Octubre de 1938. Nuestro nombre es Paul River y viviremos una historia que cambiará todo lo que creíamos. Conoceremos personajes históricos y podremos visitar importantes y lugares reales de Nueva York en la mítica calle West 57th con estética de gráficos clásicos en tribujo a los primeros videojuegos 3d. "El mundo no lo sabe pero estamos en peligro." #action #retro #scifi #shooter
This week there aren't a new update about #InvisibibleX alpha game. The project was builded in Unreal Engine 4.9 and now I have been so much problems cooking the game. So I went to update to last version of UE4.
I hope you have a nice day. ^_^_b
First Updated in 8 years!! (0.2.1)
- Removed sound, Greenlight logo.
- Changed texts, menu, skip intro cinematic.
- and GameJolt logos in HUD.
- Doors, transition between levels, velocity car.
Next update in two weeks. See you!!