
50 beaten
Beat 50 enemies in a single fight

Fashion Police
Throw a basket on to an enemy

Forbidden Love
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

1000 kills
Kill a total of 1000 wolves

Curious Piglet
Click on a banner in the main menu

100 beaten
Beat 100 enemies in a single fight

Balloon Popper
Pop tutorial balloons in less than 5 seconds

Wolf Skeewer
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Rocket Bender
Kill an enemy with stray rocket

No Skating!
Kill skateboard wolf with his board!

Wrecking Wrecking Wolves
Knock off 3 wrecking ball wolves in a single fight

Shield Knocker
Knock off enemy shield

Head Knocker
Knock off 100 enemy heads

Rocket Kills
Kill 100 enemies with rockets

Hard Bacon
Beat 25 enemies in a single 1HP fight

150 beaten
Beat 150 enemies in a single fight

Light it Up
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

5000 kills
Kill a total of 5000 wolves

Sticky Hooves
Catch 250 projectiles and items

Weapon Kills
Kill 250 enemies with weapons

Many Punch Pig
Hit enemies 10000 times

Matrix Pig
Dodge 100 projectiles

Back at you!
Deflect 100 projectiles

10000 kills
Kill a total of 10000 wolves

200 beaten
Beat 200 enemies in a single fight

Hardest Bacon
Beat 50 enemies in a single 1HP fight

Rain of Hooves
Do a 50 hit combo