
Novice Item User
Used 10 items

Novice Skill User
Used 100 skills

Novice Attacker
Dealt a total of 100,000 damage

Novice Defender
Took a total of 2,500 damage

Novice Demolisher
Defeated 100 enemies

Novice Walker
Moved 1000 steps

Novice Player
Played 3 holes

Novice Winner
Won 2 times in hole

Novice Loser
Lost 1 time in hole

Novice Leveler
Maxed the level of 1 character

Intermediate Item User
Used 30 items

Intermediate Skill User
Used 500 skills

Intermediate Attacker
Dealt a total of 1,000,000 damage

Intermediate Defender
Took a total of 10,000 damage

Intermediate Demolisher
Defeated 20,000 enemies

Intermediate Walker
Moved 20,000 steps

Intermediate Player
Played 8 holes

Intermediate Winner
Won 5 times in hole

Intermediate Loser
Lost 3 times in hole

Intermediate Leveler
Maxed the level of 2 characters

Expert Item User
Used 100 items

Expert Skill User
Used 10,000 skills

Expert Attacker
Dealt a total of 10,000,000 damage

Expert Defender
Took a total of 100,000 damage

Expert Demolisher
Defeated 100,000 enemies

Expert Walker
Moved 500,000 steps

Expert Player
Played 20 holes

Expert Winner
Won 15 times in hole

Expert Loser
Lost 5 times in hole

Expert Leveler
Maxed the level of 3 characters

The Legend
Maxed the level of 9 characters

The Collector
Acquired 100 kinds of item

The Finisher
Finish the game's main dish

The Unlocker
Unlocked all playable characters

The Challenger
Finished all marksmanship challenges