Comments (12)
New Update Coming up! Check my Twitter for News! @AceXintense
cool game but how do you place stuff?
Big Update write up tomorrow!
PS its 3:20Pm here
Hope you Enjoy!
Guys a Update If you Follow me on Twitter @AceXintense to See the Most Up to Date news on Isometric Warfare.
Updated the Game! Now on Build 2
Changes :
Edited View distance for better visibility (Performance Issue)
Fixed the Lag Bug by Redesigning the whole universe.
Added Name Planets (Scroll all the way out from Planet to activate)
Added Universe View (Click on a Planet to Expand the Planet)
Added Planets
Added Launch Pad (Not in Game Yet..)
Added Plane (Not in Game Yet...)
Fixed allot of Issues with items being displayed differently on GPUs
Added Start menu (Dosent put you straight into Game no more)
Started Work on Multiplayer (Currently not in Game)
Simplified look of Planet (Easier on GPUs)
Changed Ammount of Clouds spawned (fixed Lag)
Added Distance meter to the Grid so it dosent render when zoomed out
Fixed allot of bugs!
Im sorry for slow development this week I have been ill this week so Development has been slow. Please appreciate the work I have done over this week but there is more to Come! check back soon
Sam (AceXintense)
Thanks for Playing Enjoy and Tell your Friends also Follow me on Twitter to see the insites to the game I upload images of what im working on there @AceXintense
Isometric Warfare
Isometric Warfare is Under Development By @AceXintense
Single Player
Core Gameplay
Isometric Warfare is a Game about how the Player can change / Evolve Planets with creating Industrial objects such as Mineral miner which mines Items such as Gold and Iron with these core materials you can make huge buildings such as the Power Plant that will give the Planet Energy. Players will be able to move to other planets and will be able to move resources across the universe which will enable the user to rule more Planets. Building items / objects will be one of the biggest things in the game that can make you either win or loose as when you build items / objects it will use resources. Resource control will be the most difficult to manage as you will want to build items but you might run out of a specific item / object so this means that you will have to get the Citizens to mine / explore the universe to find these items / objects or just destroy a building.
Currently in this build of the game there isn't any enemies that are in at the minute as I am still in the Design phase of the game and I am currently only trying to get the main Mechanics working.
I am currently adding in Social Aspects into the Game such as Friends list and Twitch Streaming straight from the App its Self. The Friends system will work for when you want to invite them to your Universe and I will maybe Add a Chat System to.
Alpha will be Here when the main single player is working the way I want it to and Hopefully it wont be that long away.
Multiplayer (Under Development)
In Multiplayer there will be a Persistent Universe that when the host creates the World a Local copy will be created on the Users computer which means that all the data will be able to be used again when the user hosts the world.
Multiplayer will be similar to Single Player Except you will be able to share resources with friends which means you will be able to communicate with other players with sharing resources it enables users to use team work instead of going all alone in the universe.
Users will be able to Empire / Take over peoples planets so that means PVP will be allowed but will be adding a PVE Feature aswell meaning you will only be able to share instead of killing other players.
Users will be allowed to Name their planets accordingly to how they want it to be this gives online allot more creativity for users to create there own Story.
2015 - Alpha (This will be the main Stage of Game Development their will be allot of changes over this current year)
2016 First half - Beta (Beta will fix most of the Errors / Bugs in Alpha and will add some interesting items / objects / mechanics getting ready for release)
2016 Second / Third half - Release (Fix most if not all the bugs in Beta and finish up the game and get ready for Mod Support if I Add it and people want it)
Isometric Warfare will be continually Updated after Release to fix bugs and add items / objects / mechanics mostly from the Community.
Social Links
Twitter - https://twitter.com/AceXintense
Youtube - www.youtube.com/user/AceXIntense