Comments (8)
Would have liked to of seen more screenshots - please send a message when the game is finished and I shall spotlight it.
Very nice game! The graphics were very good, the parkour was easy in the first level, and a little too hard for me in the second level... I got so close to finishing and failed, then ragequit xD
Ahh! That 2nd part is really hard. I can't get past the shape-shifting block. Maybe my parkour skills aren't as good as I thought they were. Anyways, This game is a lot better than I expected.
Oh, since it is a first person game, you need to lock the mouse cursor.
I played it a little more.
Ok, I beat it. At least I think I did. The game is actually very nice. I like how it's so mellow. There's no enemies to worry about, no lives to keep watch over, just you, an endless sea, and platforms. The thing I liked most about it is probably the atmosphere. The setting with all the beautiful water and the beautiful trees and everything made it feel like a dream. And that music. It's all so beautiful!
In short, nice work. I love it. For some reason that is beyond me.
Well from what I played before the game crashed this is my review...
Gameplay 7/10 (Good Parkour)
Graphics 7/10 (Nice Water Effects)
Content 5/10 (All there is, is parkour)
The game was decent, So ill rate is 2/5 on gamejolt, nah actually 3/5
Jacob's Dream Windows
Jacob's Dream Alpha Chapter 1
This is my Dream says Jacob where the only objective is reach the skies.
This is my new game a Platforme Fps.
pd: is really short the alpha sorry.
Instructions: WASD: movement- Space:Jump- Mouse: look at around.