Comments (76)
Great Mod ! We definitely need this since DD has more players than M&M. As it currently stands I'm gonna rate it 7.8/10 since this mod isn't really big right now. But overall this is still a great mod that everyone should check out ! Keep up the good work my friend !
hey you gonna uptade this mod?
Having fully experience this mod, I can say that it's really good that the fan was able to fix some mistakes, like the lack of subtitles, it's cool that the mod which what positioned as just adding subtitles, turned into a cool mini-extended( Or not mini), the same addition of cut music is a cool thing .
This extension is a really amazing mod. My only gripe with it is that it doesn't really change Telepathy back to it's original state.
This mod really helps. Great work.
Here are my suggestions for future updates:
- Make Deadly Decadence's lighting a little more blue and bring a fog in the escape sequence (also, the hedges are broken because there are no walls inside of them).
- Bring Goliath Clown's hat back.
- Make Mascot Mayhem in Zone 1 a little more foggy.
- Add Scrapped Bearly Buried Boss music to Mama Bear's second boss fight.
Just Another Dark Deception Extension
Full version of Just Another Dark Deception Extension (JADDE) with scrapped music reimplemented, subtitles everywhere, custom lighting, and cosmetic changes throughout!
Game Soundtrack
New Crazy Carnevil Zone 2 Normal Theme
Just Another Dark Deception Extension (or JADDE for short) is just that. Focused on small alterations to the game's presentation, this resource pack comes with various UI, sound, and quality-of-life changes, while still intending to preserve the vibe and feel of base Dark Deception.
While the mod isn't necessarily "complete" (the development stage status is a lie), don't expect the most amount of updates. Over the near future, I'm open to adding to this mod, but with Dark Deception's ending chapter in sight, there's only so much I can change. However, suggestions are also always welcome!
This mod is meant to be an addon to the original game. The goal is not to "improve" it, but to provide players with alternate assets if they desire them.

Download the package build on this game page.
Extract the zip folder when the download is complete.
Open your game's local files/install folder.
Steam: Right-click on Dark Deception in your library, and go to Manage > Browse local files.
Epic Games Store: Click on the three dots below Dark Deception in your library, go to Manage, and then select the folder button ("Open Install Location") in the Installation row.
When your file explorer is open, navigate to the DDeception folder.
Drag the two folders from the download (Binaries and Content) into this folder. If your file explorer asks to replace any files, allow it.
Open up the game and have fun! (The startup should have immediate changes)
On the other hand, if you wish to uninstall the mod...
Repeat steps 1-4 of the install process above.
Navigate to the Content folder.
Go to Content > Paks.
Delete the file titled "JADDE_P".
Open up the game to confirm the process worked.
When updating this mod to a new version, it is highly recommended you uninstall the previous version before applying the new one.
If you have any issues with this process, please leave a comment in the gamejolt comments section and I'll see if we can deduce the issue with either of these processes.

While not every change is listed here, below are the most notable!
Added subtitles to places that were previously missing them (mainly Chapter 4)
Brought back some scrapped music tracks
Gave Telekinesis and Vanish unique sound effects
Altered various visual elements to be more consistent (Mama Bear on the title screen!)
Modified various tablet minimaps
Solved instances of audio looping
Changed some lighting
Here is a full changelog. This same list is also available in the download files.
Development Assistance - @Argo4 , @BonbonFazbear87
, @CoolCat5G
, @CrOcO64
, @JMDeathPunchDD
, @Play2Play
Additional Art - @Marshall_jpg
Testing/Quality Assurance: Citron, @Impaster , @Joy_Joy_Lucky
, @SDB_Cookie_Guy
Fantasy Violence