Comments (14)

Dancing, walking, rearranging furniture
My Son Find this Game on Youtube.... XD Alot of laught with him hahaha. Nice one Guys .
This is the best game ever. That is all.
Jim Fucking Sterling brought me here.
Jamiroquai Game
VI in VR (Win+Oculus RIFT DK2)
We should know how difficult Jamiroquai's "Virtual Insanity" shooting was...
DOWNLOAD "Windows 32bit" for PC first.
If you have Oculus DK2, try "VI inVR".
"Windows 32bit" が普通のPC用です。とりあえずそっちを遊んでみてね。
WASD / cursor / 360gamepad Left Stick = MOVE
Space / 360gamepad Start = Restart
Escape / alt+F4 / 360gamepad Back = Quit
Mild Realistic Violence