
Comments (49)

What do you think?

I liked it

Personally, I really liked this game. I played Genocide, and Issac DID manage to kill me a few times, but in the end I ended his life. However, the locations are very large and expansive, which in any other kind of game, is really great! But in an Undertale-Styled game... It doesn't work as well. It's top-down, so you can't see things off in the distance... Maybe make the areas less gigantic? You can still have tons of rooms, but don't make every room the size if the RUINS. Over-all, good game! I can't wait to see what bosses we fight next. I also hope you keep up the difficult style of Genocide.

i liked it. this game will turn into something amazing. i just know it:) keep it up

did you used an engine?

they saay they like it but i love it keep up the good work


How Long Till The Demo?



What is this game?
It's basically an undertale clone.
Mac version?
As soon as I can figure it out.
I found a bug!
Just comment it here on the gamejolt page with a screenshot and I'll get right on it.
Not a question just an important thing.
All save data stays on your computer when you download a new version, so I'd recommend redownloading the game every time you do a new run just in case there's been an update/bug fix.


What is the Universe?

In basic terms, it's undertale if it was taking place in "modern day" with a cast of mostly teenagers. Sound like a stupid idea? That's because it started as one.
I've put a lot more time then I want to admit into the story of this game so don't worry about it just being "undertale but it's with humans". If you've played games like Overtime (which you should) the different will be going a lot in that direction but at a greater degree.

In slightly less basic terms, this is in a modern day world, much like ours. However, the government of this nation is following apart as the society has as well. Many new leaders look to take the old one's place while many normal citizens try to act as if nothing has happened at all... Let's see how well that turns out...


What is this?

Now let me explain
This game has become me testing myself by seeing how undertale would have been if I was the one who made it. So because of that it's in a lot more of a modern setting and will fit with my vision while keeping the main ideas on undertale.

As I worked on this game I went from states of "This is the best thing to work on ever!" to "Eh...." several times so I thought I'd start devlogging it in hopes to both get some suggestions and feedback while also forcing myself to get off my lazy butt.


Expected Release?

I am planning to finish the game in about a years time, as I'll be committing a quarter of a year to each area of the game.

Where can I contact you?

I'll list them best to worse places to contact me
1st. Discord- PizzaDude#7834
2nd. Tumblr- pizzaorpie
3rd. Youtube- PepperoniPie
4th. Twitter- @PepperoniPie
5th. Email- [email protected]

That is all for now, see you guys later! :)

#rpg #adventure #fangame #undertale #retro #other #UT #action

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

I think it's about time that I tell you all I'm working on remaking this game! Read my reasons here if you wanna.


Not a sign that I'm working on this! Just wanted to show the improvement I've made with pixel art over time. :)

Just to clarify

Yesterday was a meme from a livestream I did on youtube.

I guess it counts as an early april fools? Either way don't take it seriously. :P


This is very. important.

I need you to join the cause

do it you won't